Monday, June 16, 2008


One of our favorite things to do is make fun of people, and what they wear. I know it's mean, but you know you all do it too! C'mon, when you see somewhere wearing something weird, you stare, you laugh and you are glad you don't look that bad. I am careful about what I wear to work, because I know if I make a fashion faux pas, I will be called on it. The other day the fashion police did get me, I wore a green shirt, black pants and brown shoes. Apparently you are not allowed to wear brown shoes with black pants. I learned that this is a rule, and when I questioned it, everyone else seemed to be aware of it. Even the guy in the office that never matches, knew about the rule, actually he is the one who called me on it. Oops, my bad. But my brown shoes are so much more comfortable, and I figured if I had a colored shirt on, I could wear brown shoes instead of black ones. I've learned my lesson, and I won't do that again. There are many fashion blunders, and the thing is, most people think they look good. Now, when I was younger my mom would not let me out of the house if I looked like I didn't own a mirror. On occasion, clothes that I liked, would mysteriously disappear in the laundry, never to see the light of day again. When I became an adult I learned that these clotheres were not missing, they had been thrown in the trash. Although now I think I was better off having the clothes gone, well....maybe, most of them. I have not had to do this to my children yet, and I'm not sure that I will have to. I have two boys, and most days they don't care what they wear. So here are some of the things I have learned about what you should and shouldn't wear:
1. If you are over the age of 14, do not under any circumstances wear any pants that have a message on the backside. (i.e. juicy, sassy, etc)
2. Your underwear sticking out of your pants doesn't actually look good at all (even worse if it's not a thong)
3. Old men in speedos (actually any man in a speedo, need I say more?)
4. Socks with sandals (especially black socks)
5. Also, knee socks with shorts
6. For guys, jeans that are hanging around your knees with boxers sticking out (although this look is probably favored by the police, as I am sure it is very hard to run away from them with your pants like that)
7. Putting your hair in 2 pony tails if you over the age of 14 (this doesn't look cute)
8. Wearing pajama pants out in public (it makes you look like you escaped from the mental institution, especially if you add the slippers too!)
9. High heels with shorts or bathing suits (c'mon who does that? If people actual did that, there wouldn't be so many flip flops for sale)
I know there are more, but I'm drawing a blank. Just remember, if you don't want to be caught by the fashion police, look in the mirror before you leave the house, and have one good friend/mother/sister to tell you honestly how you really look in that outfit! Stacey

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