Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Well, here I am, alone, I have the living room all to myself. No one needs anything, nobody will be calling my name. They are all in bed. Another day over. There is nothing on t.v. to watch, and I refuse to do any cleaning after 8pm. That's when I clock out. Although, I don't mind doing laundry at night, that's okay. But anyways, I bought a work out bench a few months ago, right around the time I quit smoking again for the millionth time. Actually I wasn't smoking full-time, but I was having one here or there. So, I decided that I would start exercising, and hopefully get some muscle tone to my scrawny self. And that was working well for awhile. I even went to a kick boxing class. I hadn't really noticed any changes, and of course I wasn't changing what I ate, but still I was in pain! Where were the results? Where was my six pack abs? I remember hearing some comedian say, "Pain is your body telling you NOT to do that". I was good about exercising every night, and that lasted for quite awhile, then it happened.....I got bored! It's not fun working out, or at least it's not fun to me. I don't mind riding a bike outside or swimming, but to go down in the basement and lift weights until my muscles hurt, or do sit ups until I feel like I'm gonna throw up, (which doesn't take me long), isn't much fun! So, instead of exercising, I've been eating ice cream cones. Yep, you heard me right, I said ICE CREAM! Now ice cream is so much better than exercise! Ice cream tastes good, and there are so many different kinds! I should warn you now, in case you take my advice, eating ice cream does NOT have the same effect as exercise! It actually has the opposite effect! So, I've gone up a few sizes since I've been on the ice cream diet, but hey, there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll try to do the exercise...................then I'll eat the ice cream! :) Stacy